Email Verification Tool

Adding NEVERBOUNCE JSS App to PhoneSites.

Sign Up For Neverbounce Here

1. Create your account and look for the Apps section to start a new Javascript Widget.

2. After creating your widget you will be provided an API Key to use in the upper right corner.

3. Copy/Paste the script below in the CUSTOM CODE section of the page with your request for email form. This is in the settings tab of phonesites.

4. Plug your Public API Key into the section labeled ENTER API KEY HERE of this script in your Custom Code Section.

5. Hit Save on your page and view it live. If done correctly the neverbounce program should verify that the email is valid before allowing the user to submit the form.

What you should notice after adding this tool is that the SUBMIT button of your form is now DIM and cannot be selected. Go ahead and add an email to your form and you will notice the neverbounce box pop up notifying the user of email verification. Once the user has entered a valid email the submit button will light up and notify the user they may move forward after completing the rest of your form.

Watch The Video Below For a Step By Step Walk Through