HTML Text Sizing


Using HTML to Change your Text Size
You can change text size in the Sub - Headline or Disclaimer by using Header tags. The header tag H1 will usually be the title of a post, or other emphasized text on the page. It will usually be the largest text that stands out. There are other header tags in HTML too, like H2, H3, H4, etc. Each can have a lesser degree of importance on the page.

1 Using html to change your text sizing.

2 Using html to change your text sizing.

3 Using html to change your text sizing.

4 Using html to change your text sizing.

5 Using html to change your text sizing.

6 Using html to change your text sizing.

You can also create the GIANT WHOA! you see above by using the following code and adding < & > to the front/end of the script.

div class="f-headline">WHOA!